Making sure that a person can breathe well and that their nervous system is regulated can do wonders!🪄
Breathing is our body's number one priority. If a child can't breathe, their body prioritizes keeping them alive. So how can we expect them to work on things like behavior, speech and language skills, and even learning to like new foods, when they are in survival mode?!?
I've had practitioners and parents excitedly tell me that symptoms they've been treating for years have started drastically improving once we focused on improving the airway!
Real life examples=> babies start trying to talk more, kids become more adventurous eaters, kids start growing, behavior improves, less meltdowns, focus in school improves, and less anxious!
Do you suspect your child may not be breathing or sleeping optimally? It's definitely worth it to have it checked out by an airway specialist!
As always, feel free to reach out for support😊