Lactation & Bottle feeding / Tongue & Lip Tie / Craniosacral Fascial Work
What is Infant Feeding Therapy?
Feeding your baby does not always come easy. Feeding therapy is a great resource for caregivers looking to gain confidence in their feeding journey and for babies to gain skills needed to suck efficiently from the breast and bottle. We also provide support and guidance in navigating tethered oral tissues, including pre- and post-operative care for infants undergoing frenectomies. Therapy before and after is critical to aid in active wound management and improve overall feeding function. We use a holistic and whole child approach to help you meet your feeding goals.

Common Feeding Concerns:
Arching/fussiness during feeding
Clicking, audible gulping of air while swallowing
Coughing / choking during feedings
Gags, spits up, or throws up often
Excessive gassiness
Milk spilling from mouth while feeding
Nipple pain/discomfort with latching
Bottle/breast refusal
Feeds for a long period of time
Poor latch/ difficulty maintaining latch
Poor oral Intake/low weight gain
Prematurity and/or other diagnoses Impacting feeding
Sleepy or poor alertness during feedings
Tongue tie / lip tie / buccal (cheek) ties
Transitioning from feeding tube
Weak/discordinated suck

Craniosacral Fascial
Therapy (CFT)
Craniosacral Fascial Therapy (CFT) is a noninvasive hands-on approach to improve the function and mobility of your baby. CFT helps reduce tension patterns, improves nervous system function and decreases imbalances that may be causing feeding concerns or discomfort.
CFT can help with:
Feeding- Babies may experience difficulties latching onto the breast or bottle due to tension in their jaw, neck, or skull. CFT can help release this tension, making it easier for the baby to breastfeed or bottle feed effectively.
Relaxation, Comfort, Improved GI issues CFT can help release tension and restrictions in the baby's body that may have occurred during birth, promoting relaxation and easing discomfort. Many parents seek CFT therapy for babies who suffer from colic or digestive issues. The gentle techniques used in this therapy can help relax the muscles of the digestive system, promoting better digestion, reducing discomfort, and helps calm an overstimulated nervous system.
Tongue and Lip ties CFT releases the restrictive fascial strain pattern that develops in fetal life associated with these ties. It is advised to have CFT before and after frenectomy for an optimal release and to address the deeper strain pattern.
Optimal Development By addressing any restrictions or imbalances in the cranial and facial structures early on, CFT therapy can support the baby’s optimal development, including motor skills, sensory integration, and overall well-being. ​